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AMADA EZ System:

The AMADA EZ Cut system is designed to reduce costs associated with nitrogen usage. It is also a highly reliable alternative which provides clean, high-pressure air that produces incredible accuracy when profile cutting. The system is used in unison with the KAESER ASK 40T which provides large quantities of compressed air.


Features of the system:

•             Two-skid design for easy handling.

•             Compact unit requires a minimum amount

              of floor space.

•             Combination compressor/dryer unit for air

               supply with automatic electronic drains for


•             Clean, dry, shop air for assist gas.

•             Air supply for machine operation, dust

              collection unit and Orion beam purge unit

              (where applicable) with a 120 gallon air

              receiver tank.

•             Nitrogen generating membrane filter with

              four easily accessible pre-filters.

•             95% pure nitrogen with 30 gallon receiver


•             Hand valve sector for switching from

              nitrogen to air assist gas.

•             Quick connect fittings for machine supply,

              dust collector and Orion purge unit.

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